
AFSCME Wisconsin Council 32 is proud to announce its 2025 scholarship program! Council 32 is devoted to improving educational accessibility for hardworking AFSCME families.

Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

In the 1980s, I was living and going to school in Minnesota when women who worked for state government won a big victory. They got the state to increase the pay of women in “female dominated jobs” by passing a pay equity bill. In other words, they put a dent in the gender pay gap. As a student, I researched and wrote about the process of crafting, passing and implementing that legislation. And I learned something that I have never forgotten: the union made it happen. And not just any union. Our union: AFSCME. 

Our union gained more than 9,000 dues-paying members and nearly 19,000 dues-paying retirees in the last year, suggesting that billionaires and corporations are failing in their effort to “defund and defang” public service unions.

Workers in Missouri and New Mexico have chalked important victories against anti-worker laws that would have robbed them of their voices and the right to bargain collectively.

In Missouri, two separate anti-worker measures, HB 1413 and SB 1007, were halted by state courts last week.

AFSCME Council 32 is proud to announce the upcoming annual Council 32 Convention taking place in scenic Elkhart Lake, WI on April 5-7, 2019. We have a packed schedule and we are looking forward to a weekend of building power, comradery, and action! 

Below are some helpful forms for locals, leaders, and delegates. If you have convention questions please call us at (608) 826-1932 or send us email at [email protected].

AFSCME Wisconsin Council 32 is proud  to announce its 2019 scholarship program! Council 32 is devoted to improving educational accessibility for hardworking AFSCME families. This year, Council 32 offers two scholarships for dependents of a current AFSCME member and one scholarship for a current member. These scholarships may be used for any field of study. 

The scholarships offered are:

1-   $3,500.00 Jim Boyd Memorial Scholarship to a high school senior (dependent of a current member)

AFSCME Wisconsin Council 32 applauds Governor Evers for crafting a budget that addresses many of the serious issues facing Wisconsin communities, yet reminds him that tens of thousands of public employees are still waiting for him to show that he truly stands with them.  

AFSCME PEOPLE is excited to release its endorsement list for the 2019 Spring Primary, taking place this Tuesday, February 19th, 2019. This Spring, dozens of great labor champions are running for local office and they are relying on us to help them! We need you to raise your voice at the polls Tuesday, February 19th and again in the Spring General Election, April 2nd, 2019.

Brown County:

Eric Genrich- City of Green Bay Mayor (AFSCME member)

Dane County:

Cris Carusi- Madison Metro School Board Seat 3

Over the weekend of April 26-27, 2019, AFSCME Council 32 celebrated its 36th Annual Jim Boyd Memorial Scholarship Bowling Tournament. AFSCME Wisconsin is dedicated to increasing access to higher education and providing for future generations. We are passionate about investing in Wisconsin's strong educational heritage at a time when education, at all levels, is under attack. All proceeds from the Jim Boyd Memorial Scholarship Bowling Tourament went to vital scholarships for AFSCME members and their families. The names of the scholarship winners will be released soon.