

This letter constitutes the official Call to all Locals affiliated with Wisconsin Council 32 to send delegates to the 8th Annual Convention on April 21-23, 2023. The convention will be held at the Tundra Lodge Resort, 865 Lombardi Avenue, Green Bay. It will convene at 3:00 pm on Friday, April 21, and will continue until all business has been completed on Saturday,  April 22.

Your Local should take action to elect delegates as soon as possible in order to meet the registration deadline of March 31. Credentials postmarked after the deadline will be considered late and will not be seated on the convention floor until those seated delegates approve the late credentials.

The primary business coming before the Convention is the elections of officers and executive board. Nominations for at-large Officers will take place Friday afternoon (April 21). Elections of these officers will take place Saturday morning (April 22). Nominations for district and sector executive board members will be held in caucuses Saturday morning. Election of district and sector executive board members will take place Saturday afternoon.

Delegate Credential forms were mailed to Local Presidents. Complete one credential for each delegate. Make sure it is signed by two Table Officers (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer). Mail the credential(s) with the appropriate registration fee to the Council office postmarked by March 31. Delegates must show a Picture ID at registration.

If your Local would like to send Guests (observers), complete the Guest form that was mailed to your Local President and mail it along with the appropriate registration fee to the Council office postmarked by March 31.

The registration fee is $50.00 per delegate and observer. Make the check out to AFSCME Wisconsin Council 32.

Your Local may wish to have a delegate from another local carry your Local votes. Your members must first vote on the following question: Shall this local elect as a convention delegate a person who is not a member of this local union? If the majority of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative, your Local may then proceed to elect a delegate from another local. Fill out the credential, have two of your local officers sign it, and mail the credential to the Council office postmarked by March 31 (no registration fee is required if a delegate from another local is carrying your local votes).

Encourage your delegates to serve on one of the three convention committees. Fill out the Committee Assignment Request form and mail it along with the delegate credential(s). Only delegates are eligible to serve on convention committees.

If your Local wishes to propose any amendments to our Constitution, it may still do so by emailing it to the Council office at [email protected] at least 20 days prior to the opening of the convention (March 31). These amendments will then be properly introduced at the convention and will have to be approved by two-thirds vote of the convention.

If your Local desires to submit any Resolutions for convention action, such resolutions should be emailed to the Council office at [email protected] by March 31.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Tundra Lodge Resort. Call (920) 405-8700 to make your reservations directly with the hotel. Identify yourself as being a member of the “American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees” in order to receive the group rate and to have your reservation credited to our room block. The hotel deadline is March 31.

If you have questions regarding the convention, contact Michelle Byrne at (608) 826-1932 ext. 213 or email her at [email protected].